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Game Version

Title Update 36, Patch 6


Unstoppable Perk

Unstoppable is a passive perk that mitigates "environmental slow-down effects" and allows you to walk faster while carrying heavy objects. The in-game description for the max tier Unstoppable Perk states:


Nothing holds you back! Environmental slow-down effects are reduced by 50%! You move 25% faster while carrying heavy objects!

However, Unstoppable doesn't only mitigate environmental slowdown effects -- it apparently also mitigates slowdown effects from some non-environmental sources too, such as Slasher slow. Here is an incomplete list of environmental and non-environmental slowdown effects that Unstoppable seems to mitigate:

Incomplete List

This list is incomplete.

  • Cobwebs
  • Goo (both naturally generated, like in Fungus Bogs, and those produced by Goo Bombers)
  • Deep snow (naturally occuring in Glacial Strata)
  • Storms (ice storms and sand storms)
  • Earthquakes (like in Magma Core and Glacial Strata)
  • Frost Praetorian Frost Spray
  • Electric Crystals (Crystalline Caverns)
  • Slasher attack slow
    • FSD\Content\Enemies\Spider\Grunt\Attacker\STE_GruntAttacker_Slow.uasset
  • Shocker slow (Dense Biozone, Glacial Strata)
    • FSD\Content\Landscape\ReactiveTerrain\STE_ElectricJelly_Stun.uasset

Pending verification:

  • Creeper vines DoT and SideDamage (Hollow Bough)
    • FSD\Content\Landscape\ReactiveTerrain\STE_CreeperVine_DoT.uasset,
    • FSD\Content\Landscape\ReactiveTerrain\STE_CreeperVine_SideDamage.uasset
  • Hollow Bough branches FSD\Content\Landscape\ReactiveTerrain\STE_HollowBoughBranches.uasset
  • Hot Rock (Magma Core) FSD\Content\Landscape\ReactiveTerrain\STE_HotRockRT-DoT.uasset
  • Low Friction Ice (Glacial Strata) FSD\Content\Landscape\ReactiveTerrain\STE_LowFrictionIceRT.uasset

Notably unaffected:

  • Pickaxe slow when you use it FSD\Content\WeaponsNTools\Pickaxe\STE_Pickaxe_SlowUser.uasset

Experimental Footage

Unstoppable works against Electric Crystal slow-down effect


Pending Game Files and Empirical Verification

The list here isn't verified via game files yet. Looking for method to search through all STE_* files that have a PST_MovementSpeedEnvironmentalPenalty or PST_MovementSpeedPenalty property. Examples:

  • FSD\Content\Landscape\Biomes\Biomes_Ingame\SandblastedCorridors\STE_SandStorm-Slowdown.uasset
  • FSD\Content\Enemies\FlyingBug\Bomber\STE_BomberPuddle.uasset
  • FSD\Content\Enemies\Spider\Grunt\Attacker\STE_GruntAttacker_Slow.uasset

The game also seem to use multiple properties that are related to movement speed and penalities affecting it:

  • PST_MovementSpeed
  • PST_MovementSpeedPenalty
  • PST_MovementSpeedEnvironmentalPenalty

Last update: 2022-09-12 18:59:58